Oikeo Must Watch: The Procession of a Promise by Pastor Touré Roberts

Don’t Miss: The Procession Of A Promise
by Pastor Touré Roberts


In a recent sermon delivered by Pastor Touré Roberts on March 24, 2024, he delved into the profound message of “The Procession of a Promise.” Drawing inspiration from John 12:1-16, Pastor Roberts emphasized the importance of recognizing the unique plan that God has for each of our lives and staying attuned to His timing.



Sermon Recap: Pastor Roberts reminded us of the significance of pausing to spend time with Jesus, echoing Mary’s example in John 12. He highlighted the importance of avoiding distractions and resisting the urge to compare ourselves to others. Instead, Pastor Roberts encouraged us to use worship and faith as tools to remain aligned with God’s timing.

The sermon emphasized the concept of growth occurring when we cultivate a life that consistently moves forward in procession, trusting that our efforts will eventually blossom into the blessings that God has designated for us. Pastor Roberts urged listeners to align themselves with God’s will and timing, emphasizing that there is no randomness in God’s plan.

As we approach Palm Sunday and Holy Week, Pastor Roberts’ message serves as a timely reminder to remain steadfast in our faith and to stay attuned to God’s timing in our lives.

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In conclusion, let us heed Pastor Touré Roberts’ message and embrace the procession of God’s promises in our lives, trusting that in His perfect timing, we will experience the fullness of His blessings.

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