Oikeo Mens Call #6

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

– 1 John 4:4 (NIV)



In the 6th Men’s Prayer Call, the focus was on navigating turbulent times with faith and resilience. The discussions highlighted the importance of calling on the Lord and remaining still in His presence. In the face of trials, the assurance came from Jesus’ words, “The ruler of this world has nothing on me” (John 14:30), a powerful reminder that we are victorious through Christ, who has already overcome the world.

Key Points:

Turbulent Times: Acknowledging the chaos and challenges we face.
Be Still and Trust: Calling on the Lord and finding peace in His presence.
Victory in Christ: Holding onto the truth that the ruler of this world holds no power over us.

The Takeaway

We are called to stand firm in faith, knowing that while the world may be turbulent, our security is in Christ, who has conquered it all. In moments of fear or uncertainty, remember that through Him, we are more than conquerors.

How do you find peace during turbulent times? Share your thoughts and let us continue encouraging one another to trust in the Lord, even when faced with challenges. Join us for the next Men’s Call to build your faith and connect with others.


Hear the call here:


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